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Professional Development for Delaware Library Staff: Facilities - 600

Definition - WJ Competency Index

As physical collections shift to increased digital availability, libraries are creatively seizing opportunities to rethink the use of their physical space. Facilities are being modified to reflect and serve the learning, collaboration and creation needs of community members. Library leaders:

  • Create a welcoming and user-friendly physical environment that encourages all community members to use library services.
  • Plan library spaces that promote community engagement and collaboration.
  • Create and maintain a healthy, safe and environmentally responsible environment for library personnel and users

The Competency Index for the Library Field includes Facilities on page 26.

Training Needs Assessment Rankings

Facilities ranked #26 out of 51 self-identified urgent training needs.  It ranked #38 out of 60 topics staff would like training in.  56% (44) of respondents indicated they would like training at the Beginner level, 27% (21) would like training at the Intermediate level, and 13% (17) would like training at the Advanced level.

Customer Service Standards

Safety - Provide a safe environment for staff and public, ensuring privacy, confidentiality, and physical well-being.

Courtesy - Treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Knowledge - Be aware of library policies, procedures, and resources.

Efficiency - Provide accurate and timely service with the best use of tangible and intangible resources.

DDL Contact

Architects & Consultants

Library Building Programs

Planning & Design for New Libraries or Renovation Projects

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability


Inclusive Restroom Design

Public Library Landscaping


Outdoor Space

Additional Resources

Online Learning

Selected Bibliography