Eliminating Fines: A win-win for your library and communityLibraries have traditionally charged overdue fines for three reasons: to generate revenue, to get materials back on time, and to teach responsibility. But what if all of these assumptions are wrong? It turns out they are!
In this webinar, you will discover why these reasons are old fashioned, incorrect notions that create a barrier for many people. You will hear how eliminating fines can lead to an increase in library use and circulation, with no negative effects. The presenters review the research and results from the growing number of libraries across the country that have ditched late fines and coaxed new and former users to their doors. They discuss how to gather your library’s data and patron stories to create advocacy tools. They share talking points, tips, and an advocacy tool you can use to build a case to eliminate fines in your library. It’s a win-win for your library and your community!
Infopeople, 2019