May is Better Sleep Month!
The purpose of this month is about raising awareness of all the physical and mental health benefits that comes with better sleep and how a lack of sleep can disrupt your everyday life. During sleep, the body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain physical health ( If you don't get enough restful sleep, your stress levels increase which lead to mood swings, reduced concentration, a weakened immune system, and irritability (
-- aim for 7.5 to 8 hours a night
-- avoid eating or drinking right before bed
-- develop a night-time routine
-- create a peaceful sleeping environment
-- minimize daytime napping
-- avoid looking at screens right before bed
-- clear your mind (practice mindfulness!)
-- exercise for 30 min/day
For more tips and resources on practicing self-care, mindfulness, and good mental health, check out the DHSS Library's LibGuide on DHSS Wellness! There is a lot of great information on practicing mindfulness, nutrition and physical health, and how to introduce self-care into your everyday routine.