The mission of the Delaware Department of Health & Social Services is: To improve the quality of life for Delaware's citizens by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations. Each of the divisions within DHSS provides essential services to meet our mission. This page offers a brief overview of each division and their notable activities.
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The Division for the Visually Impaired originated in 1906 as the Delaware Committee for the Blind. In 1909, the Delaware State Legislature created the Delaware Commission for the Blind (Delaware’s first State agency) to provide gainful employment for those without sight. DVI works in partnership with the consumer and the community to improve the safety, education, and employment of blind and visually impaired Delawareans. The Registry for the Blind is a statutory requirement that physicians and nurses report blind and legally blind persons to DVI. It is intended to ensure that those in need of services from DVI are quickly referred.
The mission of the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) is to promote family independence by reducing the dependency of single parent households through the collection of monetary child support payments and medical support from non-custodial parents. This mission is achieved through the effective use of paternity establishment programs, aggressive case processing and enforcement techniques, efficient collection, and prompt distribution of support payments. DCSS is the single state agency responsible for administration of the child support program as authorized under Title IVD of the Social Security Act. No person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under the Delaware IV-D child support program.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Services’ (DDDS) mission is to value persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, to honor abilities, to respect choice, to achieve possibilities, and to work together to support healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. DDDS provides services and supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Prader Willi Syndrome with significant limitations in adaptive functioning. In addition to the community services listed below, DDDS also operates offices for Applicant Services, Service Integrity and Enhancement, and Business Support Services.
The mission of the Division of Health Care Quality (DHCQ) is to protect residents and patients in licensed and certified Delaware facilities and health care agencies through the promotion of; the quality of care, quality of life, and safety & security. DHCQ also enforces compliance with State and Federal health care laws and regulations.
On July 1, 2005, the Delaware Division of Medicaid & Medical Assistance was officially created. The purpose of creating the new division was to strengthen the delivery of quality health care in Delaware in a fiscally responsible manner. DMMA furnishes a variety of medical assistance programs to eligible low-income families and eligible aged, blind and/or disabled people whose income is insufficient to meet the cost of necessary medical services.
The Division of Public Health’s mission is to protect and promote the health of all people in Delaware. Public Health touches the lives of everyone in our State and includes a wide range of programs and services – all aimed toward protecting and improving the health of the people who live and work in Delaware. DPH adheres to the following values in the effort to ensure healthy people in healthy communities: integrity, respect, participation, accountability, teamwork, and excellence.
The mission of the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) is to promote dignity, respect, and inclusion for older adults and people with disabilities. DSAAPD provides a broad range of supports and services for older adults, persons with physical disabilities, and caregivers at DSAAPD’s facility and in the community. Some services are provided directly through DSAAPD while others are funded by the Division and operated under contracts by outside organizations.
The mission of the Division of Social Services (DSS) is to provide prompt, respectful, and accurate services that promote the potential for self-sufficiency for all Delawareans. We are committed to a vision of a Delaware where there is hope that anyone can overcome poverty and prosper. DSS will provide, either directly or through coordination, an integrated system of opportunities, services, and income support, which will enable Delaware’s most disadvantaged families to maintain and move toward independence.
With 15 statewide locations, DSS serves as a one-stop-shop housing a diverse array of public/private health and social service partners. Each center provides a mix of services based on the specific needs of the community, including resources for food, housing, utilities, and specific medical costs to those who are eligible.
The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) is “responsible for providing and overseeing public mental health and substance use treatment services serving individuals who are 18 years old and older” (29 Del. C. § 7908). From that charge, the mission of the Division is to improve the quality of life for adults with behavioral health conditions by promoting their health and well-being, fostering their self-sufficiency, and protecting those who are at risk.
The Office of the Secretary of DHSS oversees and administers the activities of the Department’s ten Divisions. The primary duty of the office is to manage the Department’s budget, work with the Governor, General Assembly, and Congressional Delegation as requested, and help the Divisions respond to clients’ needs and concerns.
Office of the Secretary – Administration (OSEC Administration) is responsible for the oversight of finance, budget, grants, facility operations, cost allocation, revenue, payments, labor, planning, and quality control procedures. OSEC Administration provides leadership and policy direction for all of the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS).