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Department of Health and Social Services Library

Wellness Wednesday: National Minority Donor Awareness

by Michelle Wynne-Feigin on 2024-08-28T09:00:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

National Minority Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM), celebrated in August, aims to raise awareness about the shortage of minority organ donors and highlight the significance of minority donors. The month serves as a rallying call to address inequalities in organ transplantation and ensure equitable access to organ transplants for all patients on the national waitlist.

NMDAM is a collaborative action of the National Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation Multicultural Action Group (NMAG) that aims to create a positive culture for organ, eye, and tissue donation to save and improve the quality of life of diverse communities.

During NMDAM, national organ donation organizations bring increased awareness to the need for more organ, eye, and tissue donors within multicultural communities, provide donation education, inspire donor registration, and promote healthy living and disease prevention to reduce the need for transplantation. NMDAM is a critical effort to drive the positive messages that are needed for minority communities to make the decision for organ, eye, and tissue donation.

When you apply or renew your driver's license or state ID in the state of Delaware, you have the option to sign up as an organ donor (Delaware DMV).
You can also request to become an organ donor by filling out the DMV's online form.

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