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Delaware Libraries Project Planning FY2025: DLC

School Libraries currently in the Delaware Library catalog or being added

DLC Introduction

This is an introduction to the workings of the Delaware Library Catalog and the Symphony platform.  Here we will discuss the maintenance and projects pertaining to the DLC including Enterprise catalog and the implementation of eResource Central.  It also includes catalog issues (such as the status of known technical issues). 

Upcoming Steering Topics

The PL Steering documents have been moved to the PLPSC tab (see the arrow next to DLC).

System Hiccups

Snow Day / Closures

August 22, 2024

  • Georgetown - closed early

August 19, 2024

  • Lewes - closed early, loss of power

For More Information

Email or Text Blasts to Patrons
Since we tell our patrons that their emails and text alerts will only be used for library alerts such as holds and overdues, we do not want to send out email or text blasts to them for things that are not of an emergency nature.  This could cause patrons to ask to have their email addresses and/or phone numbers removed from the system.
We recommend using an email service like Constant Contact or MailChimp.  We can pull the addresses from the system for you to use and patrons would then be able to opt out of future messages without jeopardizing their access to hold notices, overdue notices or true emergencies.


  • Circulation
  • Cataloging

Enterprise Booklists

Best Practices for Notes/Comments Field

Online Patron Privilege Renewal

Chromebooks & Wi-fi Hotspots in the Library

Before a patron checks out a device, there are three things they need to do:

  1. Show proof of Delaware Library card.
  2. Read and sign the Device Responsibility and User Agreement form (Translated versions (in Spanish and Creole) are available at and can be accessed by library staff)
    1. Please print out copies of these to allow patrons to hand sign.
    2. Please keep signed copies on record for a month at a time. We suggest keeping separate folders for each month. 
    3. Patrons must fill out a new form every time they borrow a device.
  3. Complete the Device Pre-Survey (This form can be translated on a Google Chrome browser by right clicking anywhere on the screen and selecting "Translate to...")
    1. These surveys can stay electronic, and should be pre-loaded on the 6th Chromebook you receive.
    2. Patrons must fill out a new pre-survey every time they borrow a device.

Technical Support:

Staff are to contact Ask a Librarian DE with technical issues.

Patrons are to be directed to Ask a Librarian DE with technical issues. 

Text: (302) 613-7477
Call: (302) 257-3030

Contact with issues related to malfunctioning hardware, software, missing items, etc.

Below are images of the Wi-fi Hotspot case exterior and interior labeling. 

You may want to write the hotspot number and barcode on the exterior of the case to ease identification and retrieval.

wifi hotspot 


Hotspot with no connection.

Hotspot enabled.

Fines and Fees Comparison

Courtesy and Overdue Notices (Schedule and Text)

Courtesy and Hold Notice Generation

These documents indicate when hold or courtesy notices are sent to patrons based on the type of notification method (email and/or SMS) configured in the patron's account.

Inventory Devices

Inventory Exception Update April 2021:
  • When the exception is On Reserve No it can be safely ignored by public libraries because they don't use reserves. 
  • If it says Reserve Yes, it needs to be investigated. 
  • Scanning twice to verify that the message doesn't persist is a good practice.  However, it makes sense to scan something else in between; otherwise, two scans of the same barcode will end up with a duplicate scan error message.


The FIRSTCARD and KIDSCARD profiles are available to all public libraries.


Please see the FAQ and promotional materials available on the DLC consortium website.


The following item types may be checked out by accounts that use the the FIRSTCARD and KIDSCARD profiles:



If you need more information or would like to suggest an additional item type, please send a message to  Thanks!

Newly Created ON_ORDER Titles

Lists of ON-ORDER titles created during the month.  (Link opens the title in Enterprise.)

Ephemeral Checkouts

USERS - with activity in last month by grouped libraries

This report provides a count of each library's users who were active during the previous month.  Activity may have been at a library other than the User Library listed on the account.

ONLINE-profile Account Data

Database Maintenance

The following libraries have items checked out to a Repair or Damaged account, with a checkout date prior to 2021.  Please verify that your library no longer has the item, and then check the item out to your library's DISCARD user.  Report run date: 06/12/2023

Fixing Incorrect Information in User Records

When you see library cards with information that doesn’t belong in the name fields (for example barcodes), please help fix the record.

Places you can look to find the name that belongs in the record...

  • In the Extended Information > Notes field.
  • On the library application, if your library keeps them.
  • Previous barcode numbers are sometimes found in Modify User > Extended Info > Active ID.  If they're recent, the information may still be in the system. 
  • With juvenile accounts, the parent's name is in Extended Information.  For NCC accounts, the parent's account will give you the children's names.
  • If you have access to the test server, the account may be available there.

If you can't find the name to fix the record, please send the account information to
