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Sustainability & Libraries: Home

This guide is intended to inspire ideas and collaboration among Delaware library staff related to environmental and social sustainabilty.

What is Sustainability & Libraries?

Sustainability & Libraries is transforming how Delaware’s communities engage with climate change, ecological restoration, and sustainable living through a unique "Library of Things" collection. With a statewide consortium of 33 public libraries, Delaware Libraries offers a rich array of resources—ranging from books and films to seeds, gardening tools, and power tools—that empower patrons to take meaningful steps toward addressing the climate crisis and reducing overconsumption. As part of the broader sharing economy, LOT makes it easier for individuals to access essential items without contributing to waste, expanding Delaware Libraries' mission to provide free access to ideas, learning, and entertainment. Through collaborations and partnerships, LOT also fosters community education with a dynamic schedule of in-person and virtual events, including expert-led discussions and community meetings, encouraging residents to embrace sustainable living and environmental stewardship as Delaware leads the way.

Related Library Events

Have a suggestion to add to the Library of Things? Let us know!