If you are experiencing a medical emergency, have taken an overdose, or have harmed yourself in any way
Cutting and Self-Injury by Greg RozaCutting and self-injury are delicate issues many teens face and this title offers nonjudgmental guidance and information to those who cut and self injure as well as to their friends and family. Often, the problem is connected to a deeper issue that, if not addressed, can lead to problems much more serious than those that are just skin deep. Topics addressed are why people self-injure, getting help, and learning to cope, all of which are covered with Rosen's hallmark sensitivity to such serious health-related issues.
ISBN: 9781477717509
Publication Date: 2013-12-15
Depression by Gale Editors; David M. HaugenInspired by the acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series, this series helps readers gain an awareness of current issues and develop critical thinking skills by presenting a wealth of information on contemporary issues in a colorful, easy-to-read format.; The issues surrounding depression continue to be debated. This title looks at whether depression is a serious problem, what causes depression, and what treatments should be used to address depression.; In addition to pro/con articles, each Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints volume includes appealing features designed to help students understand the complexities of current issues: Full-color photographs, charts, graphs, and cartoons supplement t
ISBN: 9780737769210
Publication Date: 2014-05-20
The Disappearing Girl by Lisa MachoianFeaturing dozens of real-life stories, this book will show parents what to look for if their daughters aren't thriving, how to better listen and respond, and how to manage their own feelings of helplessness.
ISBN: 9780525948667
Publication Date: 2005-03-24
Do You Have a Friend Who Is Suicidal? by Elizabeth WahlIn today's high-paced, high-pressure world, many teens cave into the pressure and decide to take their own lives, leaving behind confused and hurt family and friends. Through expert advice and firsthand accounts from teens, readers can learn the warning signs of suicidal behavior, and how best to help others or themselves.
Living with Depression by Allen R. MillerMajor depressive disorder is caused by a combination of brain chemistry, family history, distorted thinking, and a person's emotional environment, according to most experts. Conservative estimates suggest that major depression affects 1 percent of all preschoolers, 2 to 3 percent of elementary school-aged children, and 6 to 8 percent of teens. Yet as many as two-thirds of kids with depression don't get the help they need, according to the National Mental Health Association. With medication and therapy, depression can be treated and controlled.Written in clear and straightforward language, ""Living with Depression"" examines this disease and provides teens with the information they need to understand the nature of depression and treatments. Sidebars, appendixes, and further reading guide additional exploration of this timely topic. This accessible guide is ideal for readers living with depression or those who have family members or friends who are coping with it.
ISBN: 9780816063451
Publication Date: 2007-11-01
Heads Up by Melanie Siebert; Belle Wuthrich (Illustrator)★ "Informative, diverse, and highly engaging; a much-needed addition to the realm of mental health."--Kirkus Reviews, starred review Featuring real-life stories of people who have found hope and meaning in the midst of life's struggles, Heads Up:Changing Minds on Mental Healthis the go-to guide for teenagers who want to know about mental health, mental illness, trauma and recovery. For too long, mental health problems have been kept in the shadows, leaving people to suffer in silence, or worse, to be feared, bullied or pushed to the margins of society where survival is difficult. This book shines a light on the troubled history of thinking about and treating mental illness and tells the stories of courageous pioneers in the field of psychiatry who fought for more compassionate, respectful and effective treatments. It provides a helpful guide to the major mental health diagnoses along with ideas and resources to support those who are suffering. But it also moves beyond a biomedical focus and considers the latest science that shows how trauma and social inequality impact mental health. The book explores how mental health is more than just "in our heads" and includes the voices of Indigenous people who share a more holistic way of thinking about wellness, balancing mind, body, heart and spirit. Highlighting innovative approaches such as trauma-informed activities like yoga and hip-hop, police mental health teams, and peer support for youth, Heads Upshares the stories of people who are sparking change.
ISBN: 9781459819115
Publication Date: 2020-04-21
Monochrome Days by Cait Irwin; Dwight L. Evans; Linda Wasmer AndrewsIf you are one of the nearly twenty percent of adolescents who experience the symptoms of major depression before the end of high school, then you are probably already familiar with the sadness, isolation, and confusion that depression can bring. You may have questions about symptoms,medications, treatments, and how to deal with depression at school and at home. Monochrom Days: A Firsthand Account of One Teenager's Experience with Depression was written specifically for you.Cait Irwin was diagnosed with major depression at the age of fourteen, and she nearly lost her battle with the illness before she was able to receive the treatment she so desperately needed. In Monochrome Days, Irwin, now an adult and a successful artist, shares her experiences as a young woman whosuffered from a crippling depression but was able to recover with the help of a supportive family and expert psychiatric care. In telling her remarkable story, Irwin and science writer Linda Andrews explain what is currently known about major depression in adolescents, demystifying the oftenconfusing science behind the illness. In easy-to-understand language, the book also -Provides an accessibel yet in-depth look at the causes, treatment, and management of depression -Discusses such difficult topics as psychiatric hospitalization and antidepressant medications -Offers tips on how to deal with depression both at school and at home, and how to talk about it to teachers, family, and friends Thoughtful, inspiring, and full of practical wisdom, Monochrome Days is both a compelling memoir and a useful resource that will help to ease the pain of major depression. Cait Irwin's story is one that offers hope and guidance that you yourself can use to overcome the challenges of this illness,and go on to lead a healthy, productive life.
ISBN: 9780195310047
Publication Date: 2007-04-16
Self-Injury and Cutting by John M. SheaSelf-injury and cutting refers to harming one's own body on purpose, a troubling problem that tends to begin in the teen or early adult years. Also known by several other terms, including "self-harm" and "self-mutilation, " the behavior is often used as an outlet to get temporary relief from tormenting emotions. Written by a medical doctor, this book offers honest information about self-injury, who it tends to affect, and possible reasons people self-injure. The author is straightforward, yet sympathetic and supportive, in detailing the dangers of the behavior and how teens can help themselves or others to stop. Myths and facts, questions for a therapist, and organizations to contact for further information are helpful features.
ISBN: 9781448894482
Publication Date: 2013-07-15
Suicide Information for Teens by Kim Wohlenhaus (Editor)Provides updated consumer health information for teens about suicide causes and prevention including facts about depression, hopelessness, risk factors, getting help, survivor support, and more.
ISBN: 9780780810884
Publication Date: 2010-06-21
Teens, Cutting, and Self-Injury by Peggy J. ParksResearch has shown that an alarming number of teens intentionally harm themselves by cutting, burning, bruising, or other methods, which is usually a symptom of deep emotional turmoil. Through objective overviews, primary sources, and full-color illustrations, this title examines How Serious a Problem Are Cutting and Self-Injury Among Teens?, What Causes Teens to Deliberately Harm Themselves?, What Are the Health Risks of Cutting and Self-Injury? and Can Teens Overcome the Need to Self-Injure?
ISBN: 9781601527707
Publication Date: 2015-01-01
Teens and Suicide by Hal Marcovitz; Developed in Association with the Gallup Organization Staff (Editor)Suicide is the third-leading cause of death among adolescents in the United States; in a recent study by the Gallup Youth Survey, 47 percent of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 said they know someone who has tried to take their own lives. This volume examines the cause of teenage suicide and explores such issues as teens and guns as well as suicide rates among minorities. Book jacket.
ISBN: 9781422229583
Publication Date: 2013-01-01
Teen Suicide by Gale (Editor); Christine WatkinsThese books provide a range of opinions on a social issue; each volume focuses on a specific issue and offers a variety of perspectives, e.g., eyewitness accounts, governmental views, scientific analysis, newspaper accounts, to illuminate the issue.; Explores the causes of suicide, which teens are most at risk of suicide, and ways to prevent suicide.; Greenhaven Press's At Issue series provides a wide range of opinions on individual social issues. Enhancing critical thinking skills, each At Issue volume is an excellent research tool to help readers understand current social issues and prepare reports.
ISBN: 9780737762099
Publication Date: 2014-01-30
When Nothing Matters Anymore by Beverly CobainOn April 8, 1994, Kurt Cobain ended his long struggle with depression and chemical dependency by taking his own life. His suicide profoundly affected millions of fans around the world who identified with the music of Kurt and his band, Nirvana. Bev Cobain is Kurt's cousin, and this powerful book is her way of dealing with his death and reaching out to teens with a life-saving message: You don't have to be sad, discouraged, or depressed. There is help and hope for you. Full of solid information and straight talk, When Nothing Matters Anymore defines and explains adolescent depression, reveals how common it is, describes the symptoms, and spreads the good news that depression is treatable. Personal stories, photos, and poetry from teens dealing with depression speak directly to readers' feelings, concerns, and experiences. This book isn't just for teens who have been diagnosed with depression. It's for any teen who feels hopeless, helpless, and alone. Clear, encouraging, and matter-of-fact, it's also recommended for parents, teachers, and counselors who want to know more about teen depression.
ISBN: 9781575422350
Publication Date: 2007-03-20
Crisis Hotlines
Child Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 1-800-969-HELP (4357)
Delaware Guidance Services offers Child Priority Response Services which include a 24-hour crisis hotline, community and school crisis intervention, and short term crisis stabilization.
Christiana Care Psychiatric Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Psychiatric Crisis Team is a group of specially trained registered nurses who are available 24 hours a day for emergency response. The team offers immediate intervention for those in crisis because of psychiatric illness.
Crisis Intervention Services, Northern Delaware: 1-800-652-2929 Crisis Intervention Services, Southern Delaware: 1-800-345-6785
Crisis Intervention Service staff are available 24 hours a day to assist people, 18 years and older, with severe personal, family, or marital problems, including depression, major life changes, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, thoughts of suicide, delusions, paranoia, and substance abuse.
Crisis Text Line: 741741
A US not-for-profit organization providing free crisis intervention via SMS message, available 24 hours a day, every day, throughout the US.
Suicide Hotlines
National Hopeline Network: 1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
People across the nation can access crisis center services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Text: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)
Provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resource for you or your loved ones. Also available in Spanish and for the deaf and hard of hearing.
A news release from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities reporting on May 2018 findings showing that African Americans and Latinos are significantly more likely to experience serious depression than Whites, but chronic stress does not seem to explain these differences.
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America offers several podcasts and webinars to address some of the most frequently asked questions about psychological and pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, and related disorders for adults as well as children.
MedlinePlus provides trustworthy health information on depression, from the basics to research statistics, and dozens of resources for people of all ages.
Nemours’ TeensHealth page offers information about seasonal affective disorder, from its causes and symptoms to its diagnosis and treatment. Also in Spanish.
The National Institute of Mental Health provides a guide for helping teens recognize the symptoms of depression in themselves and others, suggestions for seeking help, ways to address depression, and advice regarding the effect depression can have on your life.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers a PDF guide for taking care of yourself after your treatment in the emergency department following a suicide attempt.
The American Association of Suicidology aims to promote the understanding and prevention of suicide and support those who have been affected by it by advancing suicidology as a science, encouraging the development and application of incidence-reducing strategies, spreading information, and provide quality prevention, intervention, and postvention to the public.
A foundation with the mission of saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide, with the long-term goal of reducing the annual suicide rate in the U.S. 20% by 2025. through research, advocacy, education, and opportunities to help others.
Developed and promoted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the interactive screening program connects individuals to mental health services before crises emerge.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides not only definitions and descriptions, but also treatment options and offers a helpline available via phone, text message, or online.
Nemours’ TeensHealth page offers those who engage in self-harming practices advice and suggestions for resisting the urge to harm themselves that apply not only to cutting, but other forms of self-harm as well. Also in Spanish.
The Suicide Awareness Voices of Education is a nonprofit organization that works at the international, national, state, and local levels to prevent suicide using a public health model in suicide prevention, concentrating especially on education and awareness.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus offers trustworthy health information on self-harm, from basic summaries and examples of self-harming practices to research and resources.
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance provides detailed information on steps to take if you or someone you know is living with depression or bipolar disorder, and ways to respond with strength and courage.