About Delaware Partners
Whatever your need, whatever your interest, whatever your passion, the Delaware Division of Libraries is making your discovery easier through the Delaware Libraries Partners.
Delaware Partners brings together public libraries with government agencies, non-profit community organizations, social service agencies, and more across all disciplines to maximize resources and opportunities for Delawareans. Through this combined effort, Delawareans are able to visit their public library - physically or virtually - and find the content and connections they need all in one place.
Dewey Classification Numbers
Here is a quick guide to some of the topics included in each Dewey Classification:
For additional information on the above chart:
Delaware Way Video
Libraries as Community Linchpins
000-099 Computers & eBooks
100's Philosophy & Psychology
200's World Religions
300's Social Sciences
400's Language
500's Science
600's Applied Science
700's Arts & Recreation
800's Literature
900's History & Geography