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Library of Things Statewide Waiver

Proposed procedure:

  • Patron brings Red Dot LOT item to CKO OR asks for item if library is storing them away from public areas.
  • Staff notice Red Dot near barcode on item and check patron WF account for note re previous LOT waiver on file.
  • If none, staff ask patron (or guardian) to sign LOT waiver (script below)
  • Parent/Legal Guardian signs waiver for juvenile card holder. 
  • Staff make a NOTE in the patron record, indicating the waiver has been signed is on file at that library. initial & date 
    • ex: 10/31/24 — Signed LOT waiver is on file at Kirkwood. -bb/kw
  • Waiver goes in a file at circ desk to later be checked by staff in WF and filed as paper or electronically.
  • Waiver is effective for effective for 3 years from the date of signing or when this document is updated, whichever comes first. 

506 field to be added to items:

1. whose item packaging/manufacturer includes a safety warning (other than a choking hazard)
2. that cost $200+ to replace

506   This item requires a signed Library of Things Liability Waiver on file with the library.

Create a Circ Note for the item: ***This item requires a signed Library of Things Liability Waiver on file with the library. May only be checked out by patrons 18+.***

Possible script for staff who ask patron to sign a waiver: 

  • "This item is part of a circulating collection that requires proper handling. The waiver only needs to be signed at one Delaware public library every three years to check out our Red Dot LOT items."
  • ...Those items are noted in the catalog and by the special labeling on the item (point out label re 1. and the red dot).

Seed Libraries




Library of Things Enterprise Room

LOT Enterprise Room

Library Resources


Curis Memorial Library: Libraries & Sustainability - Why Partner with Us

I highly recommend you listen to the entire video, though pay particular attention to the section on their Library of Things at the 17:20 minute mark.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)