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Business & Entrepreneurship: Business Planning Help

On your phone or tablet - Business Planning App

The Centro Business Planning App has a guided step-by-step process to create your basic business plan and budget. It will organize your thinking and email you your first methodical and complete business plan with financials so you can prepare to launch or grow your business. Track your progress in the app's To-Do List. Available to download on Apple and Android devices. Available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Khmer

Online 12-Module Course

SCORE's The Startup Road Map  Each of the 12 modules contains:

  • Steps to Success: A series of steps you complete in order to move on to the next module. Each step contains concrete, actionable tasks to complete, as well as information to help you. Some steps include recommended homework; your mentor may recommend additional work.
  • With Your Mentor: This section provides suggested topics you can discuss with your mentor. This might include questions you can ask or recommendations on what types of mentors might be best to help you with the current topic.
  • Resources: Information and resources, including tools, templates, and online workshops, to help you learn more or complete the steps in that module.

Free counseling from business development organizations

Programs to help you plan for your business (fee based but some have scholarships)